What Clients Say
Our FastTrack partners helped us reconfigure our communication network so that it’s a business advantage. Now we’re using technology in a whole new way – and it’s effortless. Of all the things I have to worry about, our network isn’t one of them.
FastTrack boosted our internet bandwidth while saving us $1,625 every month—an 80% savings as compared to competitor’s pricing. Going with FastTrack was an easy choice.
Our Internet bandwidth increased from 6mb to 100mb while decreasing costs by approximately $400 per month. We can easily and more affordably address future bandwidth needs. Our new capacity improves access across the entire district. This is important as we strive to deliver 21st century skills to our students here in Bayfield.
We estimate saving $45,000 annually with our FastTrack phone service. Everything went amazingly smoothly, and we appreciate all of your help and guidance.
Thanks to FastTrack’s free enhanced connectivity, our community has faster, more reliable emergency communications radio service, benefiting the entire emergency services operation.
FastTrack surpassed expectations for service and technical support. They took care of all the details. We’ve been totally happy with the process and the results.
Moving to a hosted voice solution was a seamless transition that literally happened overnight.